Bibl. : Mário Jorge Barroca, Epigrafia medieval portuguesa, 862-1422, Lisboa, 2000, vol. II-2, n° 708, p. 1993-1995.
Transcrire les lettres en capitales (en employant seulement I et V), résoudre les abréviations en minuscules (sans parenthèses).
Transcribe letters in uppercase (using only I and V), expand abbreviations in lowercase (without brackets).
Transcreva as letras em maiúsculas (usando apenas I e V), resolva as abreviaturas em minúsculas (sem parênteses).
Draw a rectangle directly on the document image to show the part of the image to transcribe (e.g. draw a rectangle around a character or word).
To begin drawing click in the top left corner of the part and drag your cursor to the bottom right corner of the part. If you make a mistake simply start drawing the rectangle again (the old rectangle will be automatically deleted).