copie antérieure à la mort de Jean d’Orléans comte d’Angoulême (1400-1467) dont les armes sont tracées dans l’initiale.
Développer les abréviations entre parenthèses. Distinguer selon l'usage moderne ‘i’ et ‘u’ voyelles, ‘j’ et ‘v’ consonnes. Employer les majuscules selon les règles modernes (mais non à l’initiale des vers). Transcrire la lettre runique ‘þ’ (thorn) par ‘th’.
Expand abbreviations in brackets. Use ‘i’ and ‘u’ (vowels), ‘j’ and ‘v’ (consonants) according to current usage. Apply modern capitalisation (but no line initials). Transcribe the Runic letter ‘þ’ (thorn) as ‘th’.
the drought of March hath p(er)cyd to the rote
and bathid ev(er)y veyn in such lycour
of which vertu engendrid is the flour,
whan Zepherus eke with his sweete breth
enspired hath in every holt and heth
the tendre croppes and the yong sonne
hath in the Reyne his half cours yronne
and smale foules makyn melody
that slepyn al the nyght with opyn ey,
so prikkith hem nature in here coragez,
than longyn folk to gon on pilgrimagez
and palmers for to sekyn straunge strondez
to feere halwys sowht in sundry londys
and specially from ev(er)y shirez ende
of Englond to Canntyrbury thei wende,
the holy blisful martyr for to seke
that hem hath holpyn when thei were seeke.
Draw a rectangle directly on the document image to show the part of the image to transcribe (e.g. draw a rectangle around a character or word).
To begin drawing click in the top left corner of the part and drag your cursor to the bottom right corner of the part. If you make a mistake simply start drawing the rectangle again (the old rectangle will be automatically deleted).