1576. Deux serviteurs de la reine d’Écosse détroussés en chemin. Enquête
Clélia Nicolai
1576. Deux serviteurs de la reine d’Écosse détroussés en chemin. Enquête
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France
anglais 161, f. 1
1576 May 17th
10 juin 2023 20:30
11 juillet 2023 20:44
Lettre de William Cecil baron Burghley, lord grand trésorier d’Angleterre, à Edmund Bridwell et Michael Harcourt pour appuyer l’enquête concernant les chaînes (d’or) et joyaux volés à deux serviteurs de la reine d’Écosse entre [Market] Harborough et Leicester. — Écriture judiciaire (“legal hand”), issue de l’écriture anglicana des XIIIe-XIVe siècles.
Développer les abréviations entre parenthèses. Distinguer selon l'usage moderne ‘i’ et ‘u’ voyelles, ‘j’ et ‘v’ consonnes. Employer les majuscules selon les règles modernes.
Expand abbreviations in brackets. Use ‘i’ and ‘u’ (vowels), ‘j’ and ‘v’ (consonants) according to current usage. Apply modern capitalisation.
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After my very harty comendatiou(n)s: where of late ther have bene a robery co(m)mitted betwyxte Harborowe and Leycester upon certeyne servant(es) of the Q(ueen) of Scott(es), wherof too of the company, one named Clerke of hir Maj(es)t(ies) garde and one Lee servaunt to yonge M(aste)r Lane, have by the good(e) dillygence of you M(aste)r Harecourte bene apprehended but no parte of the spoyle by them taken frome the said Q(ueen) of Scott(es) s(er)vaunt(es), beinge cheynes and jewell(es), can be come by, although they have conffessed the taken therof, as to yow M(aste)r Harecourte who hard(e) the confessyon of the said Clerke and Lee is very well knowen by reason, as they alledge they hid the same in the ground in Geddyngton Wood(es) in certeyne places there neare Brixsbooke Parke, which yow M(aster) Harecourte have partely seene and heard them by some tokens described, hir M(aies)t(ies) pleasure is that some good care be had for the serch and recoverie therof ... …From my house at Strande, this xviith|xvijth of May 1576. Yo(ur) very frende, W. Burghley. M. Harecourte. To my lovinge frend(es) S(i)r Edmund Bridwell knyght and Mr Mychaell Harecourte esquyer.
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