1579. Sauf-conduit du Conseil pour des gardes-écossaises du roi de France
Clélia Nicolai
1579. Sauf-conduit du Conseil pour des gardes-écossaises du roi de France
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France
anglais 162, f. 1
1579 May 20th
11 juin 2023 08:30
9 juillet 2023 14:12
Développer les abréviations entre parenthèses. Distinguer selon l'usage moderne ‘i’ et ‘u’ voyelles, ‘j’ et ‘v’ consonnes. Employer les majuscules selon les règles modernes. Transcrire les chiffres romains en minuscules.
Expand abbreviations in brackets. Use ‘i’ and ‘u’ (vowels), ‘j’ and ‘v’ (consonants) according to current usage. Apply modern capitalisation. Transcribe Roman numerals in lowercase.
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Wheras theis Scottishe gentlemen the bearers hereof, Dunckan Balfowrde, James Learmount, James Ramseye, Normant Wymmes, Normant Moniponie, John Drisdalle and Allexander Hume, being moste of them of the Frenche king(es) garde, and desierous to repaire in to Scotland to viset their frend(es) for the dispatche of certaine their private affaires ; theis shall be therfore to will and require you not onlie to suffer them w(i)th their bagges, baggages and all other their necessaires whatsoever to passe quietlie by you w(i)thout any your let, staie or molestac(i)on, but also to see them furnished of all suche thing(es) as they shall have occasion to use and demaund at your hand(es) for pric(es) reasonable, and the better accomplishment of there jornaie, wherof faile ye not as you will aunswer to the contrarie. From the Court at Westminster the xxth of Maie 1579.
Step 1: Draw new part
Draw a rectangle directly on the document image to show the part of the image to transcribe (e.g. draw a rectangle around a character or word).
To begin drawing click in the top left corner of the part and drag your cursor to the bottom right corner of the part. If you make a mistake simply start drawing the rectangle again (the old rectangle will be automatically deleted).