Giovanni d'Alemagna et Antonio Vivarini, Polyptyque du Corps du Christ.
Transcrire en minuscules, en distinguant u voyelle et v consonne. Résoudre les abréviations entre parenthèses .
Transcribe in lower case, using the modern distinction between u (vowel) and v (consonant). Expand abbreviations in brackets.
Litteris minusculis transcribe, distinctis tamen u ut vocali et v ut consonanti. Abbreviationes inter parentheses expande.
m(ensi)s october hoc
op(u)s f(ecit) f(ier)i ve(ne)rabilis
d(omina), d(omi)na agnesina
iusti(ni)a(n)o mo(n)ial(i)s
isti(u)s eclesie
s(anc)ti zacharie
Draw a rectangle directly on the document image to show the part of the image to transcribe (e.g. draw a rectangle around a character or word).
To begin drawing click in the top left corner of the part and drag your cursor to the bottom right corner of the part. If you make a mistake simply start drawing the rectangle again (the old rectangle will be automatically deleted).